The Innovation MIT ID Innovation Programme essentially combines Design, Technology, Business, and Humanities to develop a holistic approach toward Innovation. The batch size is limited to 25 In- novators-in-the-making only.
The course is:
- Designed for graduates, experienced/working professionals from
diverse creative, technical, and humanities backgrounds.
- Is fully project-based with a heavy emphasis on imparting
practical and hands-on knowledge.
- Enables the candidates to discover and build on their own
strengths. Candidates get design mentorship, technology support,
and business strategy inputs from industry professionals.
- Provides close collaboration opportunities with industry
professionals and active career guidance and lifelong professional
development support.
Graduates, practitioners, and entrepreneurs from various different
disciplines across creative, technical, and social sciences
backgrounds are welcome to join The Innovation Programme.
MIT ID Innovation is an integral constituent of MAEER's MIT Pune, established in the year 2006. MAEER's MIT was founded in the year 1983 by Dr. Vishwanath D. Karad, (Founder, Executive President & Managing Trustee) along with the collective efforts of many educationists, scientists, and social thinkers.